Build a Self-Care Plan
An evidence based program created from the compassion fatigue workbook
Service Description
Every profession can suffer the effects of burn out & every employee can know its weight. An important part of being resilient to types of burnout & compassion fatigue is knowledge & understanding. This program is designed to offer insight into your own personal situation & circumstance, this is highly recommended for those who work in a field that is most likely to encounter trauma & vicarious trauma, those on the helping professions, suitable for social workers, nurses, ambulance officers, family court & domestic violence lawyers, child protection workers & teachers as some examples. This program borrows content with permission from various sources & includes a personalised & evidence based self care plan & support strategies for long term application as well as knowledge & techniques to ensure you continue to develop and monitor your self-care ongoing. This program is designed to be run over 6 sessions at a rate of one per month. This is to ensure the opportunity to consider, practice, journal & discuss across a 6 month period while you implement the skills you aquire. You will learn about burn-out, compassion fatigue, vicarious trauma & moral distress, how to identify them & their distinct differences. You will complete questionnaires designed to highlight your current circumstances & level of risk. You will be asked to consider questions & journal prompts for 'homework' between sessions & link these to your professional practice experientially. There will be a private group created to connect with others who have completed the program to ensure ongoing support, wellbeing & accountability. There will also be discounted ongoing sessions for those who complete this program should you want to continue the journey of self-care, intention & boundary setting.
Cancellation Policy
Cancellations will incur a 50% charge for less than 1 full business day notice. There are no refunds for missed or 'no show' appointments.
Contact Details
Tea Tree Gully SA, Australia